Hi Debbie
That is devastating, I have previously read your comments and sorry this has happened. Has he admitted to having a problem or going to see someone? There is an addiction centre in my town and husband said he is going to call today as he wants to see someone.
I found out 3 weeks ago my husband was still using 2 months after telling me about everything and in those 2 months he continued but let on he was clean. I threw him out and he said one night he came back just for a chat and told me everything. He said since that (3 weeks ago) it was the realisation for him as he told me everything and hasn’t taken anything since. He has seemed normal and there aren’t any large suspicious transactions from his account but it’s just so hard to trust again. We don’t have children and I wonder if it’s best for me to just leave now. We have been together for 15 years so he is all I know in a relationshipship.
I actually was testing him on and off during those 2 months and the tests were coming up negative even though he would have used a day or 2 before so I just wish I had better tests. Tbh I don’t even think I want a life of testing and checking the bank account. I know the best thing for me is to leave but I know its going to be so difficult.