How you can influence

Influencing decision-makers in your local area may help you achieve your strategic goals. Below are links to resources which can help you build these critical relationships.


NCVO: Campaigning and Influencing

NCVO has a range of free guides and resources to help you understand the basic principles of campaigning and lobbying including: understanding the new environment, building a strategy, funding campaigning, identifying routes of influence, involving people, social media, using the law, and freedom of information.

KnowHow NonProfit: Campaings and awareness

An online community of nonprofit people sharing their questions and experience. Amongst other useful information there is detail about how to set up a campaign to lobby for policy change.

Adapting locally

Surviving the Transition – Local Structures and Networks

An Adfam guide to assist you in understanding the complex changes to local areas following the Health and Social Care Act of 2013 and other developments. Covers commissioning, responsibility and accountability, influencing, partnerships and how families can fit other agendas, including public health, crime and disorder and children’s services

Local Compacts: A User Guide (pdf)

The Compact (pdf) is a voluntary agreement between national government and the voluntary and community sector. This guide provides practical guidance on best practice and how to address non-compliance. Compact Voice provides a voice for the voluntary and community sector on the compact and has a wide range of useful resources and case studies.

Evidencing arguments

Evidence Pack

An Adfam resource providing clearly evidenced arguments for investment in family support.

Why Invest?

A Public Health England resource providing a good overview of arguments for investment in drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services.