Reply To: At My Wits End


Hi Mrslight77,

Firstly its not that you’re not enough for him, you must not blame yourself as its not you.. I felt this way once, until I realised that actually its not me, they are sick they have a disease and by the sounds of it, your husband is seriously in deep.

I think he needs to go to the doctors and needs to beg for help, he needs to go into a rehab unit or it will kill him.

you must put yourself first and realise that with addiction, it comes first, no matter what you do or say it grabs them back in – until he admits and seeks help you cannot do anything – my advice would be PUT YOURSELF FIRST..

Your well being and own mental health needs to come first – and your childs of course..

my partner was drinking and drug taking and it killed me inside as i blamed myself for a long time, it makes you feel lonely and confused doesnt it..

I wish i had an answer for you but i do know that its not your fault, its a serious disease which changes the person you once fell in love with. He wont be doing this to hurt you but sadly it tears relationships apart.

He needs rehab, its honestly the only way xx