Well the problem is, he was self medicating his anxiety with drink at first then it moved to drugs. He said the addiction counsellor said he could have the odd drink but I am not convinced, i worry he will drink again and the endorphins will trigger and we will be back to square 1. We went to a wedding the other day and he didnt drink a drip or take drugs and all his mates were clearly sniffed off their heads..
Turkey is good i have been before, you might even get some snides haha they do the best fake designer stuff out there.
Yes i have been before but with my Ex and i didnt enjoy it because he was also constantly sniffing.. I remember he was going down to the looki looki men asking for gear…
if youre with the mrs i doubt youll do that anyway and atleast there wont be anyone out there offering it.
My bf is now about 4 months no relapses i just really hope hes got this sorted.
How are you doing now, did the coke make you feel awful after? what did your gf say when you did it? you are doing really well by the way – keep it up.
I didnt delete FB as I have a lot of horse forums on there haha I have horses, they keep me sane…
I deleted instagram though as you are right, its all fake photoshopped rubbish that makes you feel like you should look that way, it isnt reality at all.
count down to holiday now!!! bet the kids will love it.