Hi Huddle, if you have ever experienced taking and being addicted to a drug before then you will know the grip it can have on you, and if you haven’t then the grip it has on you is tight. When someone takes that drug for the first time it gives the feeling of relief and freedom that nothing else can provide and it’s truly amazing beyond words. Unfortunately the first time is all it takes to ruin everything and that addiction takes hold fast so stopping for a day feels like someone burning your skin with fire. He will never pick you over crack because crack is life to him and without it he can’t breathe. Your situation is tearful in so many ways because you are totally helpless and will never be able to fix him without intense intervention or immediately residential treatment. He’s locked into easy access to addiction that will continue unless he finally begs and pleads for help but that is offer uncommon in seasoned addicts. Please don’t feel that you are not trying everything as a mother because you are trying more than others. Get some professional help for YOU because you need help first and this site has ways to support families in need. Stay strong.