March 9, 2020 at 5:15 pm
Ye that message doesnt make at sence at all. Tbh id rather stay with you and let you help me as well. Im constantly mithering my gf. Take my phone off me fri and sat and other things. But she forgets. I have bought a safe and she has a key and she locks my car keys and phone away at the weekend. I still manage sometimes to get it though. But she dont help when she says just go shop for me. Knowing id prob go get that. But youve done good helping him. He needs a good support around him. And you can tell he wants to stop. His comment on the text could be a bit of reverse phycology… he doesnt want to be mean but he has to be to make you stay away while he sorts himself. But thats just a guess.
Have u spoke to him since then?