Reply To: Found cocaine


Hiya all the signs you describe are exactly the same my husband had – the denial even when you prove it to their face will be unbelievable I’m afraid addicts will do anything and lie to anyone in any circumstances and blame others etc to protect their drug of choice . My husband is now 6 months sober and working the programme but I will say the damage his lies and behaviour has caused to me and many others runs so deep now I don’t know whether he can ever be forgiven and whether any reconciliation is possible – the earlier you can address this and make choices for yourself the better ( you can’t make his choices only he can do that – he will decide to protect his addiction or stop or lie about one or the other either way you can’t control what he does but you can control how YOU want to live the rest of your life ). Take all support available to you , It’s a horrible horrible existence being the partner of an addict I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy – just remember your life is in your control – not his