Reply To: Feeling conflicted.


My twin sister got hooked on cocaine years ago, turned her into a living skeleton, she was light as a feather…. you could see every bone. She disappeared for years and in a crazy way I ended up finding her, and she had gone FAR, was homeless. Took her back home with me, tried to help her get back on her feet. I had found a place for her. She said she wanted help. But then left without a word and I have not seen her since. We were back in touch again for a few years, then she quit answering me altogether. I don’t know where she is today… I do know I tried everything I could think of to help her, she said she wanted help but one day she was gone and went right back to it… It just left me heartbroken. Today, I feel like a part of me is responsible for what happened to her.. I feel guilty, like I should have tried more. I feel like a coward, dirty. I should have done more. Me and her were so close and always together before that. Maybe I could help her today but I don’t even know where she is and if she even wants to talk to me!!!! She would reproach me for trying to help her, said it wasn’t the right way….. that I was too harsh… I have so many different feelings right now about this, hard to describe. The gentle way didn’t help, neither did the harsh. At the end of the day, as hard as it is to accept, it’s up to the person… I feel like I have lost her even though she’s still alive, as far as I know…