That might be difficult to do without involving the police. Who owns the caravan? If it’s yours you are within your rights to ask him to leave. Sorry you are up at such an ungodly hour, I have been there too. But I do know this much. If you don’t get him out of your life now it will also kill you, mentally and physically. You have to reclaim your life and start putting down some boundaries. Unless he get go away and get clean the man you love is not coming back.
Guess what? Mine has come back. Apparently clean and waiting to go into a rehab centre. Until he does that, he gets nothing more out of me. I’m done being treated like crap and taken from granted. No more. It made me ill and took my sanity but I have clawed my way back.
Pls use that link I gave you, they are available to chat online and are brilliant … they saved my life!
Here if you need me x