Thank you for this thelostone. Im actually waiting on the police and he got violent with me earlier for the first time, I won’t have that. After he did it what did do ? That’s right ran straight to the dealer. I really don’t know if I’ve done the right thing because apart from a swollen arm there’s nothing else. I’m not scared of him. I’m fed up of him. I’ve tried to be supportive and he throws it back in my face. And then when I get angry and call him names which I know is wrong, his friend has told me I shouldn’t call him a crackhead he goes on about how nasty I am but he pushes me to this point. I feel so fake now days because I act like I’m happy to everyone in fear of the judgement or being rejected because people are so disgusted. I don’t even recognise myself anymore. I try to put on a brave face for everyone but inside I’m so broken. Im sick of crying and feeling so empty and worthless.