Reply To: my journey with a crack addict


if someone treats you like crap, you will start to believe that’s all your worth. I’ve done it and been there, so I know what you’re saying. Violence is totally unacceptable. If he is prepared to use force against you, I doubt he would think twice stealing from you. Right now, the drug version of your man has no respect for you.. or himself. So get away as quick as you can.

At their worst, an addict will blame everyone but themselves for their addiction and the position they are in. If you don’t give them what they want or you aren’t supplying them with what they need, they will have no need for you.

The minute I left my fella, I stopped crying. I didn’t miss him because how can you miss abuse and lies and heartache. I had peace of mind. That is priceless.

Set up your boundaries as soon as you can and stick to them. One day you will decide.. you either get clean or leave me alone. If he can’t accept this, keep the boundary up. He will hit rock bottom soon enough… don’t let him come back and use you.

I do hope you are ok.