Thanks for replying it’s good to hear your side and everything you have said is exactly how it is and I know that this is how his head is working iv tried to help too many conversations to even meet him half way he has took it every week without fail now it’s twice to three times a week iv said I will help if he has problem he is adamant that he dosent and that he dosent need help it’s hard for me to watch him destroy himself it’s getting worse he is paranoid with me jealous calls me names everything’s my fault and it’s my fault he does it I have tried every way if he does it iv said nothing and he will pick an argument with me ,any approach isn’t working I guess it’s something he has to fix himself when he admits to himself it’s hard for me to understand as I have never taken it guess it hurts as he so selfish when taking it and dosent contact me is the worst why is that