Oh my goodness that’s a lot he has took off you , where’s yous married have any children? So my previous long term partner gambled all his money and also for cannibis I had child to him he was abusive I had to walk away then and you do feel guilt especially the way they make you feel and that you are supposed to be the one to help them when you spend all your time helping them but it comes to a point they destroy you because if you don’t take the action to walk away nothing will change and you keep going round in circles sometimes people can’t be helped you have done your all and believe me iv been here before can’t believe I’m in same situation with another partner and I know what I need to do but I feel guilt if he does something to himself because he has no one and I mean no one , I have been here before iv just not had to deal with someone who is a cocaine addict , it’s hard what you are going through you have took the first step and that is the hardest thing you have had to do but you have done it for your own well being and his if he can’t see this now he will in time hopeing that he sorts himself out the best thing you can do is take each day as it comes each day will get better and brighter work on yourself get you back to who you are get a hobby anything and focus on that and don’t let other peoples problems destroy you as a person no one deserves that don’t feel regret you are doing this to help him look at what he has done to you whilst you helped it’s time he helps himself x