Reply To: Lost,scared,angry and ready to throw in the towel….


Take a breath and say it’s not your fault. It’s not because of you. This is HIM

That’s hard. It’s hard to blame, but are you shoving that drug into his nose? NO!

I think you are amazing to have given as much as you have. I won’t ever give half of what you have.

Been with my hubby over 20 years, 3 kids and that day I found out I knew I would never ever give more than one chance. I was so disgusted by it, so hurt that he did this to our kids! The ones who look at him like he’s the biggest hero ever and I am just boring mum!

I was furious and it’s taken a while to get past that. But I know if he relapsed I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. We had social services involved as he admitted to GP he had used while having the kids when I was working, so he’s now ‘known’ – it’s accountability. It did him the world of good, he had to stand up and face it.

I insisted he tell his sister and mother. Both were absolutely disgusted and wiped the floor with him. Again accountability. Both know I will leave him if he takes drugs again and support that.

It’s down to that – your husband has to be clean… he can’t live with drugs. No one on the forum can. No one can survive, the drug with either kill them or ruin everything you have built.

You sound like such a nice person and you sound like your fears are so justified – if this was 1st time, maybe 2nd time? But now? Where does it end – when you say it does!

You owe it to your children to not allow this in their world. They deserve better and by the sounds of it he won’t give them that. So you have too.

I am so angry about this and anyone who uses. It’s vile… I hate it and I hate that I was so naive. I had no clue what so ever. Maybe that’s why I’m so black and white. I had no idea at all that this way even a part of my husband. I just could see him becoming a shell and I had no idea why. So stupid of me.

I would rather walk through fire than live with anyone who took drugs.

I think if my husband was honest he would say that as soon as I found out his ‘fun’ was over.

It was me or drugs. I said that to his face. To our couples counsellor.

If he ever relapses I will be broken into a million pieces. But I won’t backdown. I can’t. But it will probably finish me