Reply To: Emotionally drained and frustrated


Thank you for sharing your story with me. My son has also said about ‘needing time to sort himself ‘ . But only until he needs something.

My husband and my daughter are also fed up with it all. They say I should be harder with him, not give into his needs. Its hard to switch off that nurture button though – isn’t it?

The alcohol which leads to cocaine , he tells me has de-sensitized him to others feelings. He learned that from the 12 step program he was trying through CA and AA meetings.

I do believe its true as he wasn’t always so selfish and disrespectful as a youngster.

I agree also that they are making these choices but don’t want the consequences that come with it.

He’s in contact with me, i only text now as I didn’t like the verbal abuse I got last time, when he bullied me into submission, which is what he has done since he was 14.

Its a difficult situation, as you worry when you don’t hear from them , then get anxious and stressed when you do!

Reading others stories, I realise there are families going through a lot more pain than me.

Is there such a thing as a normal life with walking on eggshells every day? I feel I can’t move forward with my life at the moment.

Sorry for whining, just getting things off my chest, feel free to do the same. Thanks for your support, I hope things improve for you and your son.

Take care, Lx