Hi Lindyloo,
It is so hard to know exactly what is the right thing to do, I think I have spent/borrowed (never having any back) thousands over the years, but they are very clever in making us feel very guilty and also saying the most vile things at times.
I have learnt that they do not mean these things that they say, although very hurtful at the time.
I have read lots about addiction, but not really understanding the way that they think, I don’t think we ever will.
I have probably enabled my Son lots over the years, but not knowing what else to do, it was sometimes the easiest option, as soon as they have what they want they are calm again, it’s one big viscious circle, which if they never seek help for will never be broken.
Like you it does affect my health, I get really anxious and have a permanent knot in my stomach, which quite honestly really doesn’t make you feel like doing anything at all.
I hope this helps you a little bit, stay strong and it’s really good to know we have somewhere to come to share our problems. I only joined today. Take care.