Reply To: My husband is a cocaine addict



Welcome to the forum! I joined last week and it takes so much weight off your shoulders when you know you can just write everything your feeling in here and have advice and support from those expericing the same things.

My boyfriend is a cocaine addict (in denial), he refuses help because he’s adamant there’s nothing wrong, he also spends a large amount of money on the habit and gambling whilst he’s high. I know your pain of feeling like you’ve hit rock bottom, every day I wake up and wonder if this is the life I want but it’s always hard when you see them sober because you remember who you fell in love with and then it all gets washed away when they start using again. I want to say that things get better but that wouldn’t be true not unless they are willing to help themselves. He promises he’s going to stop, he doesn’t touch the stuff for a couple of weeks, everything seems great and you think things are heading in the right directed and then it slowly starts creeping up. I call it the viscous cycle.

Please keep using this forum though as a way of escaping your mind. I feel so much better being able to speak about how I feel to complete strangers and not being judged!