Reply To: My husband is a cocaine addict


My heart is breaking.

I have finally come to realise my husband is never going to change and stop taking cocaine.

After years of sticking by him, lying for him and generally trying to be the best and supportive wife I could be. I can ‘t physically or mentally do it anymore.

Today he has broken me for the last time.

He promised he wouldn”t ask me for money and would go until Friday before he took it again.

I knew he was feeling shitty snd went to bed and got up again because he was restless but he told me to go to bed and he would watch Louise Clark like Danman suggested.By 11.30 he was upstairs demanding money and even when I told him he could do it and just to come to bed. He just kept on and got angry with me.

I begged him,cried and even told him if he loved me and the kids he wouldn’t do this but it made no difference.I hate to say it but I lashed out at him in frustration, which I know he will use against me.

He is just walked out with his cash card and left me having a panic attack and crying. He is now downstairs and I’m sat upstairs 2 hours still crying, getting the occasional text about how I need to stop crying because I’ll wake the kids and neighbours.

I don’t know what to do. I have no where to go if I leave him, my brother is already living back home with my mum and dad. I can’t afford to run the house by myself and he wouldn’t leave anyway

I am dreading the next few days because I know he will keep pestering me for money and accuse me of stealing and keeping his wages.

We haven’t got enough money to pay all the Bill’s as it is.

I can’t cope anymore and don’t want me and my kids to live like this anymore

I’m sorry to go on when you are all going through so much yourselves, I just don’t know what to do and writing it seems to help xx