Reply To: Please help! My brother is a heavy cannabis user


It’s been a while since your post, but I’d like to add some information. It can be super tough seeing someone you care about go heavy on cannabis. One thing you might consider is talking to your brother about trying out legal thc gummies instead. They can be a lot less intense than smoking and might help him control his usage better.

Plus, gummies have regulated doses, so it’s easier to manage how much he’s taking. You could also suggest he sets some limits for himself. Maybe start with specific times or days he uses cannabis, so it’s not an all-day, everyday thing. Encouraging him to explore other hobbies or activities could help too. Sometimes people just need a nudge to find a new interest or passion that doesn’t involve cannabis.

And don’t forget to be supportive and understanding. It’s important he feels he can talk to you without judgment. Sometimes people just need to know someone cares and is willing to listen.