Reply To: What would you ask?


Thanks for the reply Kulstar , that’s exactly what happened here too he became daily dependant and would pick up onroute  to work after sitting alone all weekend when we slept just secretly using  , then when he tried not to it would put him into a comatose state and barely went to work  .. eventually he switched off to us all and like you describe became numb but also calculated and hurtful  . Fast forward 5 years, everything about us abd our family fell apart and we are divorced but he’s still in denial  his use is a problem and refuses to seek help , so much has happened since he has and still is so awful to me that I can’t even talk to him about our children barely . Courts had to be involved as using when taking kids –  it’s just a car crash . I’ll never come to terms how that drug can alter a person so much so that you can’t even see the person you once loved  ,

Kulstar – I don’t even need to say this  but what an achievement for you . I’m so so glad you and your family have a happy ending – sending strength always for you all . I love to read the ones where it actually came good , makes me sad it’s so rare .

take care