Reply To: Abusive cocaine abusing “boyfriend”


Hello your story is so sad. You really do need to try and speak with someone who can give you some professional support. Whilst you may not like to think of yourself as someone who is going through domestic abuse. If he is making you feel isolated or hitting you or accusing you of things. He is trying to undermine your sense of self worth and things can only get worse. You need to stay strong and do what is best for your own mental health. Whilst it may be easy to blame his behaviour on the drug use. Someone who is taking away your confidence and your ability to see clearly is not someone who is good for you or someone you should try to stay with. I really hope you get the help and support you need and that you manage to get yourself out of this toxic situation. You will thank yourself for it. It may take some time to recover and see the light but you will be so pleased that you did. You are better than this and a strong person. You must look to your future and the opportunities that will lay ahead for you.