Reply To: Where do I go from here cocaine abuse


Hi Jamie, I’m so glad to hear that you’re going to register at CA.

This drug is evil. It reels you in – without you realising it. My son’s friends were using it years ago over a weekend, but he has an addictive personality which means, once he starts, he can’t switch off! Unlike his friends who could take it or leave it.

It just snowballed from him using , disappearing for days, turning up, looking like s**t. Sleep for days, not eating, not going to work running up large debt etc, just a vicious cycle of addiction.

It upsets those closest- do you have a partner? Do they know?

One of the mums on the forum has lost her son to addiction recently. So yes, it’s very scary and a very dangerous drug, if you let it take over your life.

It’s the weekend Jamie, you take care, stay strong and seek help through CA.

Lx ❤