Hi sorry to hear your situation. I am going through the same thing I am with my partner 5 years but even after 2 I could see signs of alcohol and drug abuse ..I thought he would change once we moved in together..he has tried get help but every few weeks he had a binge f alcohol and coke ..I know I have no future with this man .we can never get a mortgage he doesn’t have savings I accept our relationship is over..I am still here because I know if I leave him he has noone and will end up homeless or dead . I’m still here out of guilt but have decided I can’t do it any more ..on his sober days I love him but there are too few .he holds down a job but every day off he has he is drunk ..so we have no days out ..either he is hungover or has no money I am so lucky we don’t have kids ..my advice to you is give him an utalimun now to get help and follow up on it don’t trust him to tell you he is changing .don’t waste 5 years like I have. I am 35 also and I’m a little scared of being alone but there will be a huge weight lifted off when I don’t need to worry wat I will come home to .we are both still young and will meet the right person. Take care