I’m so sorry to hear that you’re in this situation and that you feel you have no one to talk to.
I was in a similar situation to you in March this year, when I was 4 months pregnant and found out that my partner had been abusing cocaine in secret for 5 years.
Firstly, I would say that finding someone you can confide in for yourself is vital. Addiction thrives in secrecy.
You also need to ask if he is willing to get help. Cocaine is an awful drug which messes with your brain chemistry and it’s hard to give up. Suggest he try Cocaine Anonymous or counselling as a lot of drug use stems from unresolved childhood trauma.
We currently attend couples therapy also, which helps me talk about what’s happened, without it blowing up into a massive argument.
And decide what your boundaries are and be prepared to stick to them. I have said that if there are any drugs in the house that I will leave. I would suggest not bailing him out financially anymore, and set out a timeline for him to start saving again.
There are also really helpful people you can speak to through Adfam for more practical advice and emotional support for you.
I hope this helps and you can come to this forum for help and support whenever you need it