Reply To: My husband and cocaine


If he is willing to commit to a path of recovery then there is a chance but it’s also an exhausting process. The realisation and willingness has to come from him.

It’s true what others say that you have to set your own boundaries and follow through on the consequences. It’s so incredibly difficult when you love someone but it’s draining and you end up doubting your own sanity as they’ll twist everything to make you feel like it’s either not a problem or that you are the problem. I found this site very helpful when living with it and I also find it really helpful now living without it as it reminds me how awful it was and never to be tempted to ‘try again’ even though my heart would love to. Every single story has some similarity to what I experienced and I actually couldn’t believe the situation I found myself in.

I was fortunate to have two friends who are addicts (clean for more than 14 years so a lot of experience of the recovery path/ challenges) and they really helped me understand the mindset of the addict and what I was dealing with.

I didn’t want to wake up in 5 years in same situation…

I hope you manage to find some comfort and reassurance on here. X