Reply To: In despair


Hi Lindyloo

Thank you for your suggestions

He has been given a few numbers for support groups but he put them out of sight in the drawer and the madness continues

I can’t ask him about them until his physical health improves

He won’t drink while I’m here with him

We have been out today I left him getting a flu jab and nipped to the post office

When I came back he wasn’t there

My first thought was buying drink

But he was in a card shop buying a birthday card for his dad who has never helped him

I’m living on High alert all the time

He’s has also bought items to fill a hamper for the neighbour who sat with waiting for his last ambulance

I will be lucky to get a Christmas card from him

Its so hard being with a someone that cares so little for me or himself really

But has to try to save face and pretend

He’s some perfect person

Sorry for the rant

I feel so unimportant to everyone

I feel like doing a

Reggie Perrin leaving my clothes on a beach and disappearing

I don’t even like him I’m here out of misplaced duty and fear of what he will do if I’m not here

Thank you for replying

I hope thing are ok for you
