Reply To: Beloved partner’s cocaine addiction.


I tried councilling and it helped for 3 month. But the best thing to stay clean is C. A, any time you get cravings you ring your sponsor and sharing it and they talk you round. Sounds stupid but it works.or you ring other ex addicts.

But it might work with him. Alcohol is the biggest thing to trigger cocaine. The minute you have a drink you can be ringing your dealer. So if he drinks that will have to stop aswell.

Mine varys, it probably was every week at the beginning, have a few drinks at house party’s, then get some coke. But when the party’s stop, your addicted.. That’s what I learned from the councilling. And then you start using on your own.

So after I wanted to quit.. About 7 years ago.. I did my best not to use.. So was once a month.. Once every few week. But the triggers are always there and cravings. I guess if u want to stop and try your best it’s not as much. Don’t get me wrong I had it every weekend for a while. But the major effects of it or feeling suicidal, depressed for days. This is litrally within an hour of the coke wearing off. My friend hung himself on it in May. It causes Alot of suicides.

How do you mean joined him?

Feel free to ask me anything.