Reply To: Husband is a drug addict and I had no idea


I’m so sorry to anyone else going through this.

About 5 months ago my partner came home with a hole in his nose. I’d been with him for 3 years and had no idea he was taking it when he was with me. He seemed depressed at times and slept a lot. He also seemed to have problems connecting with his son and said there was times when he questioned if he loved him (I’m not sure if this is an addict thing)

When I 1st started going out with him he was thousands in debt despite being on a good wage so the signs were there looking back.

He denied he even had a hole in his nose to begin with when you could see it clearly. He then accepted it was there and said it must have been a nasal spray he’d been taking that did it. He’s still denying even now that’s what it was.

He simply up and left and didn’t try to fight for the relationship at all. When I contacted him he told me that I’d accused him of something he would never do and that the relationship hadn’t been working for a long time and he’d just continued trying to make it work and that he’d lost that feeling for me and didn’t know what love was.

We were supposed to be buying a house together and he’d started transferring large sums of money to a friend which was supposed to be his half of the deposit.

I like many of you feel the same way this Xmas completely heartbroken