Reply To: Alcoholic on family holiday = disaster. Does anyone else’s partner act like nothing happened?


Aw bless them, it’s a shame they have to see their Dad that way. The boys have mixed feelings, they are used to it so have hardened to how he is which is sad as they still love him because they are conditioned to as they get the good and bad. I do worry that theyll accept this behaviour from partners when their older. He clashes with my eldest though where he will call him names and he’s very shouty then there’s days where he’s nice and he’s then confused. All the more why I’ve plucked up the courage to leave soon (I hope anyway) harder as hes now about a week not drunk and its a waiting game for me don’t know whats worse. I thought the kids would be a reason to fight the drink but like you say it takes a hold. Thankyou, it defo does help to talk.