Reply To: Husband is a secret coke head


Also I wanted to share this with everyone that is reading if you have children and you are living with a coke addict you have to be so careful. Because if social services find out they will come for you not him.

And the reason being is because they will say you are administrating the drugs for him.

So if you in this situation you have to kick him out asap. You might not want to or you might feel sorry for them but you give him 4 weeks notice. If you are scared you speak to someone. But remember you need to put the children first you are their protector.

And if your husband questions why? You tell them straight I will not accept this drug using around my children.

Because I’m telling you, you do not want social services on your case.

And your children deserve peace and happiness environment.

Your husband might say or I promise I will stop but guess what they won’t stop overnight. You can’t sit around waiting you kick them out first to protect your children.

That drug is pure evil people don’t just stop within weeks it takes years.