Reply To: Being with a cocaine addict.


Hi guys , sorry for the late reply . Hope you all are keeping well.

Jj11 if your man is hopping about from one women to the next women to enable his behaviour then that should tell you he doesn’t love or care about anyone more than his addiction comes 1st and also that should tell you he can’t cope on his own he needs someone else.

Poppy123 i feel for you because you desperately want him to change and make your relationship work. Well let me advise you from my personal experience you got to be cruel to be kind.

So put your foot down and tell him you are leaving or you have moved on because you have had enough of his behaviour and addiction, you need to make the change 1st and show him that to wake him up and make him realise what impact this is having on his relationship with you and he might just stop.

Bare in mind he can’t stop overnight he can only cut down slowly slowly and you will need to support him in that.

Iv been going through this shit life myself .

I simply walked away and put my foot down and my husband started drinking excessively and taking more drugs than usual because he had nothing else to turn to .

That is his only coping mechanism and when i finally took him back after his begging and pleading with me i was firm with him on his addiction. I told him il support him this one last time in coming off everything slowly slowly but he must not lie to me about anything he agreed.

So far he has been good and has cut down alot but we still got a long way to go.

We sat down and spoke about everything and he was totally open and honest with me about everything what makes him want to sniff and drink . So we are woking on it together.

I know my husband loves me a lot and loves his family with me and he doesn’t want to lose us so i use that against him and threaten him il leave again and this time forever.

You need to think of something that you know will make him leave his addiction for .

Please don’t get me wrong my husband isn’t totally clean yet he had some few days ago after a whole week but at-least he didn’t lie to me or hide it from me and he asked me if he could have some because he really was getting desperate for it so I allowed him and he didn’t go ott with it.