Reply To: Unhappy


Hi there themidgetgem

How are you? how are things going? Hope your still running and you are getting on with your life. I’ve been thinking of you.

I’m still struggling, I know he had taken the drug last night and he is avoiding me all today he says he tired, he’s anxious and worried, I asked him What was worrying him and he said letting me down yet again not having a weekend together. He says he needs to survive the next 19 days and then Once we are away things will change and he will be ok.!!!!!!!

He still hasn’t opened up to me that he is still using. This was supposed to be 3 weeks off it. I’ve not said anything as Iam trying so hard to leave him be, but I’m making myself unwell, I’m having pains in my chest and feeling sick.

I’m so scared and nervous how he is going to be as I don’t know when he is going to take his last use. Also I don’t know if the drug will show up on him when going though security.

I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing?

Take care, sending you lots of love

Navy xx