Hello ladies, I hope you are both as well as can be in your current situations. I myself am currently in a long term relationship with an addict, he has used for years but we all thought he was getting better but it turned out he was getting worse, just better at hiding it. He spends about £100-£300 a week using which has put us in massive financial difficulties and in debt with the wrong kind of people.
However, what I have learnt is to accept him during his addiction. It is a disease and no one sets out to become an addict. He gets overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and feels unworthy as it is so I do not worsen that pain for him but instead he has admitted he has a problem and as a family we are trying to support him and lessen his drug use first. Sadly there is not a lot of help out there that doesn’t have a massive waiting list or isn’t costly. Every day is a battle for us and we both have different battles every day. We are trying to get to the root cause of why he began using in the first place and I have suggested counselling but he said he is not ready for that yet which tells me there are things he needs to unpack that he cannot face yet. An addict needs to feel supported and loved to help them toward their recovery. It is hard, my god it is hard but just know they do not go out of their way to hurt you and keep using.
I wish you guys the best and anything you may wish to ask or I can help with let me know x