Hi Gemz, well done on making your decision. Going to meetings and reading forum messages helps me a lot. In a life where I am surrounded by drinkers and addicts I find it very useful to go to a meeting and be just sat in a group of people who are coping with daily life issues, clean and sober. At meetings they talk about working the steps, but just meeting and having a chat with a stranger there can be an eye opener to. It’s seems like a great burden if lifted off my shoulders when I chat to someone about my issues,,, it’s as if they get it. I don’t drink or use drugs and don’t want to be around such people but people who have never been addicts don’t know how it is to be in “recovery”. In my life, my world, there is still drink and drugs all around me but just not inside me,, but the affects of it persist. Group meetings have people who have been there, done it and are try moving on in non judgemental, helpful compassionately being there for each other. Do consider AA meetings to, best of luck with the future.