Reply To: Husband is a drug addict and I had no idea


I am not sure when you originally wrote your post post but I would love to speak with you and find out how you are now?

I found out my husband has been a cocaine addict for the last 3 years. And have also found out he has a lot of debt.

I have 3 children. He currently isn’t living with me and looking back I feel like I have had years of emotional abuse. But he then tells me he loves me he says that me and the children are his world. I know deep down he has a good heart but I just feel he is now fighting so many demons I really will never know if I could get the trust back.

I don’t know how I am

Supposed to stop loving this man because he has been a good husband but I also cannot forget what he has put me through.

I really want to hear how others have managed to move forward I feel I need support from other women like me more than anything x