Reply To: Alcoholic on family holiday = disaster. Does anyone else’s partner act like nothing happened?


Hi All of you. I’m afraid that I know only too well all the situations that you are describing. My late husband died in 2012, he was an alcoholic. We all tried everything to make him stop, for 5 years I tried to help him…his family tried to help him. He was in re-hab ( very expensive ) 3 times for a month at a time……nothing worked…

I left him in 2010 with my son who was 5 at the time ( now 16 ), to save myself and my son from this evil…..

I knew that I had to leave for the sake of my own health and in turn for the sake of my son so that I could continue to be a good Mum to him.

My advice is this; you are not obligated by marriage or in sharing children…to look after someone who cannot take responsibility for themselves…..especially if the burden is killing you. I used to say, being in love with my husband was like wearing a lead coat,anchored to the bottom of the sea and because I was wearing that coat he was dragging me down to my death too. I had to have the courage to take off that coat….and for my son, to remove him from the situation before he became aware of it….

I’m really hoping that you can take a birds eye view of your situation from within the eye of the storm and any which way….leave and take your children with you.

From a survivor of this!

My heart goes out to you all.xxxxx