Reply To: Addiction help


@navy Sorry for the delay in replying and thank you for thinking of me.  To cut a long story short things are really awful.  We have had occasional good times where he seems to admit it all, take responsibility and apologise.  I resolve to helping him in any way I can.  Two days later were back to it all being my fault, I suck the enjoyment out of everything apparently, I am the reason he takes it, I’m patronising and judgemental and say all the things that trigger him.  Then he’s off his face again and being cocky and fake happy. Then the comedown starts and he’s sorry and he hates himself and he admits he needs help.  He can’t do it without me and he’s so lucky to have me standing by him, I’m so patient and understanding when he doesn’t deserve it.  The the cycle starts again it’s not long before I’m the worst person in the world.  I’m fat and ugly too tonight and it’s no wonder he’s so bored and needs something else apparently!

I think I’m done now.  🙁

How are you doing? X