The very last night of my usage the Wifey started pressing me on various things. It all became very heated (my brothers were also at my house). I started to become highly erratic and threw a shot glass which smashed into pieces. My 9 year old daughter caught a glimpse of me from the top of the stairs and I just wanted to leave my home as I didn’t want my kids to see me like this. My wifey called the police who turned up as I was leaving. They couldn’t press charges as I hadn’t actually hit anyone and it was my house that I threw the glass in.
The police bless them then dropped me back to my hotel. I then started my recovery basically sleeping for 3 days straight before my lovely wife picked me up and brought me home. That night when the police dropped me off I just knew I was done. My 2 gorgeous kids, my amazing wifey and then there was me. How did I ever get here? Is this really me I asked myself? No.
I always knew I had much to offer this world, I just got lost on the way. Thou shall seek, shall find. You have to keep looking for that path and it will present itself