Hi Pennyloo.
Sorry you’re also being impacted by this horrible nightmare.
Sadly the cold hard truth is your brother won’t change until he really wants to . You have no control over it I’m sorry to say. I suffer with anxiety really bad and one of the best bits of advice I’ve had is focus on the things I do have control over. You might have to make some very difficult decisions , horrible you have been put in this situation not of your choosing …but there are choices for you even if seems v limited
Is there a friend or other relative you can stay with – if he won’t leave and it’s impacting your studies…you need to explore this as a possibility
Can you speak to your mum , and get an agreement on boundaries, that when he is like this he has to leave ? This is not something fully inside your control if this is your mum’s house and her rules it will need her full buy in …don’t resent her if she refuses to ask him to leave …. Many stories from mother’s on here will show you just how torn they are due to this.
Is there someone at the uni – a counselor ? Definitely need to start reaching out and getting outside help for yourself….it will help you get perspective and consider all your options
I wish you all the best with your studies
Lozzy x