His septum if it has a hole in it won’t repair itself. Depending on how bad it is he may require surgery.
This is the truth you don’t want to hear. He’s not serious about giving anything up, you’re just validating his usage with this caring protecting behaviour. He knows you’ll always be there. This week you’ll sit down with him and tell him how it’s making you feel, didn’t you do this a few weeks ago and maybe months prior to this? Did it have any difference? No. What makes you think it’ll be different this time around?
My apologies for the directness of my message however addicts don’t change without consequence. Longer and longer this whole charade goes on, the more severe the consequence has to be. You have a choice, either let this man lead you to oblivion where you are being severely effected (almost to the point of no return) or you nip it in the bud right now and tell him what’s going to happen next. You can either spend the next 10/20 years babysitting this sorry excuse of a man ruining whatever happiness you had planned as an human being or you take the short term hit (however painful it maybe but not as painful as if you stayed in this situation).
It’s clear he doesn’t want to change, moaning and crying about his mental health, his chest, his nose etc. It’s all self-inflicted because he can’t face up to life. Well, it’s got to the point where someone just needs to turn the music up so he can hear the music.
You’ll become a shadow of your former self if you let this continue meanwhile he’ll continue on this merry path he calls life.