I feel like I’m reading my own words before I ended my last realtionship.
I dealt with it because I truly loved him when he was “good” and he was a really great guy with so much potential. We had so much fun together. I didn’t see the extent of his problem. It’s come to my attention that he was lying about his cocaine use while I was with him. Your “don’t rush over” story triggered me a bit as he said that to me all the time – was he picking up? Another probably to add to the long list of days he claimed to be straight. He was a top class liar as I thought I recognised when he was high and when he wasn’t – but clearly not.
I promise what you see is the tip of the iceberg. And if I have any advice it’s to get out before you get in too deep – or worse – like I did – start using too.
It’s so difficult to come to terms with the fact that someone you love is lying to you. I think that’s been why breaking up with him was the worst heartbreak of my life. I know he’s worse too – saw a pic of him on a mutual friend’s social media and it looks like he’s not eaten all month. This gives me huge amounts of guilt.
If he had even admitted to having a problem and wanted help, I totally would have helped. But he didn’t…
It took for him to seriously let me down and prioritise an opportunity to take drugs, when I needed him most, to actually end things.