I think it’s because of the time of year and he has nothing he was having it delivered to my house around the corner he would tell me he was going out for a cigarette and I quickly clocked on to what he was up to he is 43 and he had told me he used to do it am I naive in thinking he can stop? I’ve told him he needs to get help but I’m worried he’s so used to using to block things out that he just won’t be able . The messaging another woman aswell is just so hurtful I honestly have done nothing but give him everything the thing that sounds different here to others stories Is he’s not blamed me once he accepts it’s all his fault wtc however he does keep begging for me to take him back why should I? He really is such a nice guy too he doesn’t sound as addicted as others sound on this thread however he is still choosing to use it over everything else I appreciate your comments aswell thank you