Crikey what an awful Christmas for you. Has he only become paranoid since taking coke and has he managed to get off it before. My husband never went on benders with it but I always knew when he had been taking it. Was very narcissistic and would often sleep in day times at weekends. Was also drinking heavily and taking antidepressants as he had started to become so nasty, putting me down and making me question my sanity. He now has apparently written me a letter which should arrive Wednesday so will be interested to see what it says. Haven’t spoken as such only email and crazily I had suggested we talk when he comes to pick up his stuff on Sunday. I so wish I could hold grudges but I do know that I won’t be able to trust him for a long time and without trust what is a marriage? We have been together since April 2018 and married in August 2020 and I think I first found out about the coke in around May 2019 or maybe earlier and stupidly went ahead and got married. Anyway we will see – I am exhausted by all this as I’m sure you are x