My husband has the same problem so I sympathise with you, and am sorry for anyone or any families going through this as it’s horrible.
i was embarrassed to tell or involve anyone else so put up with it for 2 1/2 years (not sure if he was taking it before) but when it got too bad for myself and children to deal with, bad paranoia 5 nights out of 7, I was being woken for a few hours a night about 2am as he thought we had burglars in our garden, i watched him run round in boxers chasing the men so he could show me they were real, it was trees and shadows, or him thinking a man, I was having an affair with was in our bed, so took covers, Mattress off to try and find him, and going through my phone for hours looking for proof, ( I wasn’t I had gone off men a bit at the time and was exhausted!) I was then getting up with a toddler, while he slept most of the day, then got up to do work, I reached out to his family for help and they helped get him into rehab which he has returned from.
I know it isn’t going to be easy moving forward but what I’m struggling with is how I almost feel everyone’s blaming me for him doing it, his councillors, family and him
we bicker over silly things but now I’m not able to snap or moan (could be as silly as him saying there are no cups and me saying you know how to put the dishwasher on, yes it’s snapping but sure other wives would say same??) he now leaves the house cause I’ve raised my voice and goes to family till I’ve calmed down and rings counsellor, I’m a bit wtf and get more angry by the over reaction.
I am not sure if this will get easier but it’s quite exhausting, I was so pleased for him coming back and proud how he’s keeping clean but it’s like I’m treading on eggshells re everything
I’ve spoken to his councillor re this and he just said the drugs were to mask problems in our marriage and I need family counselling to deal with my issues, I feel it is easy for everyone to blame me but feel a bit ganged up on and alone.