Reply To: Recovering cocaine addict – ask me anything


<p style=”text-align: left;”>abcdef –  As difficult as it all IS, this is here with all of us. Which shows that we are all struggling our way through.  Looking back on the years that my addict husband was using coke scares me so much – even now.  It made him mentally ill.  After about 5 years, I finally knew what was happening.  He quit right then.  I never could have guessed that he was on this vile stuff, and it still surprises me.  I know now that I would have been safer if I would have gotten away from him during those years.  You can’t save him.  He has to do that. There is somethings that are beyond our control and we just have to accept that.. When we do, we are free again.  Free to be ourselves.  Free to live our lives the way we want.</p>