Reply To: Alcoholic Brother Has Gone Too Far. I’m So Tired.


Hi frazzlepop

this sounds absolutely unbearable. The disrespect and entitlement must me awful to live with.

Sounds to me like your brother may possibly suffer with borderline personality disorder, some of the traits you describe mixed with the substance misuse sound very similar.

Ur mum must be a mess and can’t bear him there but the thought of him out the house scares her too. I really do empathise

everyone need to stop enabling him. Why should he be your eating food when he can’t be asked to sign on and contribute.
let him have tantrums and hopefully he will get arrested or sectioned and may realise he needs help, or may blame all of you!

it’s so soul destroying when u put a boundary in for all and then they just up the anti or flip the blame and play victim

I feel your pain regarding Christmas. I’m dreading mine getting ruined too

if he touches u again get him arrested
