Hi frazzlepop
I just replied on your own post , your situation sounds truly awful too
With us I doubt ss will get involved , no one is vulnerable…well he is and already under the mental health team so if I think he will attempt.suicide or should be sectioned I could.call them ..but as soon as they know he is intoxicated they will just put it down to that..
I did open up to a close friend once but she didn’t really get it… I got the impression she thought I was catastrophising and he isn’t really that bad…he is VERY switched on when he needs to be , and (did have) a very respectable job etc…so outsiders would be gobsmacked if they knew what he was like indoors. I just know it’s going to be impossible to get him to leave so he will live here forever at this rate whilst I pay the entire mortgage and bills (he has his own wage but it all goes on that stuff, yes all of it!). If I don’t pay the bills my own job , and the home , would be at risk. I feel so stuck and have been going round and round on this dilemma for many years now