Reply To: Is love enough?


Hi Abecca

Sorry to hear you are going through this. It is concerning that he seems to be escalating his aggressive behaviour and that is not ok under any circumstances  His behaviour towards you is abusive, and drink or drugs is no excuse for that.

He won’t get help or change unless he acknowledges he has a problem and also gets help. Sounds like he needs to work on controlling his emotions and stress better.

Please set clear boundaries and stick to them ,- something I am not great at doing myself and now I feel I’ve got into such a mess with my husband … His use wasn’t very day even when he racked up £kkk in debt …but it more or less is daily now and it’s a miserable life ????

Also please, if haven’t already, start thinking of safety planning, we always think they would never cause actual harm but its better to be prepared.. so think about what you would need to do for keeping you and yiur daughter safe… A friend/relative to stay with in an emergency , phone numbers /websites for women’s aid, refuge etc – lots of info online.

Wishing you strength and peace Xx