Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Greetings, I’m ukdd, I’m a recovering alcoholic/cocaine user and I’m 3 month sober. I’m here to help you after reading this I had to sign up and share this with you.

I used a lot of drugs to wean myself off alcohol and cocaine. This has been 100% successful so far but one of a cocktail of drugs I was rotating through was opiates. This not only included codieine 8/500  and 30/500, morphine, oramorph and…even heroin. I have used a few times a week for 3 month and I’m on my 3rd day CT. But I don’t have any withdrawal symptoms at all. I think I stopped in time and now  no longer need to take opiates.

Here is something that WILL help you. Red vein kratom. Binds to opiate receptors in the brain easy the withdrawal. This is a tried and test way. Kratom from a vendor in the Netherlands sells it fir £20 100g. Take about 5-6g and those WDs will subside.

Thank me later