I want you to set for a few minutes and try to put yourself in your hubby shoes. Think about what he must feel everyday knowing his problem with crack and heroine is not only hurting himself but his family. There is a few questions I would appreciate you answering if you don’t mind. if at anytime you feel I’m getting to personal please feel free to let me know I have over stepped my boundries.
How much does your husband use daily?
Is he currently employed? If so, how long has he had the job he works?
Where does all of his money come from that goes to his addiction?
Do the 2 of you still spend time each day putting the other first and trying to keep your love alive?
How many children do you have counting the one you are expecting?
Does he hide his addiction from all of society?
Has he ever became physically abusive towards you due to NOT having the drug in him?
Have you, at any point in your life, done drugs with him or anyone else?
Please don’t take any of those questions offensively. I’m only trying to get the details so that I may address you in a better manner. Thank you and God Bless!